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AI-powered Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis in Seconds
Ocuscreen is an AI-powered solution for fast and easy diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy. It assists ophthalmologists in the screening of diabetic patients for DR, allowing them to detect the disease at very early stages and prevent blindness for thousands of patients at risk.
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Platform:
Cloud / on-premise options
High tolerance
to image quality
in 3 seconds
The risk of developing DR ranges from 30 to 54.6% depending on the stage of diabetes
Diabetic Retinopathy Worldwide
There are 400+ mln patients with diabetes worldwide
Diabetic Retinopathy is the second cause of disability among diabetic patients after glaucoma
Most countries face the challenge of regular screening of diabetic patients for DR as a sight-threatening condition
Key Metrics
* on APTOS dataset
Imageability — percent of images which ocuscreen recognises as gradable (done with sufficient quality)
(True Negative Rate) refers to the proportion of those who received a negative result on this test out of those who do not actually have the condition (when judged by the ‘Gold Standard’)
(True Positive Rate) — refers to the proportion of those who received a positive result on this test out of those who actually have the condition (when judged by the ‘Gold Standard’)
How it works
Take a photo with a fundus camera
Analyze picture with Ocuscreen
Explore highlighted regions of interest
see details
see details
Want to learn more about Ocucreen?
Instant photo quality check: defines if the photo is gradable/ non-gradable in less than 1 second
Highlights regions for doctor’s close attention
Generates a PDF report with a suggested diagnosis
Identifies left/right eye
Who is it for:
Diabetes centers
Primary care units
Optometric offices
Clinics / hospitals comprising an ophthalmology department
Fundus camera manufacturers
Private medical labs
Technology Advantages
Ocuscreen AI algorithms are able to recognize dust and dead pixels on camera optics and exclude them from the diagnosis
Higher economic efficiency and diagnosis accuracy as compared to a human grader
Ocuscreen may be used a clinical decision support system or a DR screening tool
Ocuscreen Team
Our international team combines the expertise of skilled data scientists, healthcare and business administration professionals.
Max Usov
Arjan Hejl
Director, Netherlands
Ocuscreen Team
Our international team combines the expertise of skilled data scientists, healthcare and business administration professionals.
Max Usov
Arjan Hejl
Director, Netherlands
© 2006-2021 Enbisys
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The Netherlands:
Oosteinde 34, 2361 HE Warmond
info@enbisys.com | +31 85 06 537 42
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